15 Oct

Quit the boring way of account handling. Haven't you got bored with the same bookkeeping all the time?

This time try something new and worthwhile, subscribe for Quicken accounting and finance program.  Quicken is accounting software which provides you full access to run your business and provide all business related substance.  This is a smart way to run your business and help you to manage your all business activities and give you more time to concentrate on your own business strategies and find more ways to enhance it through this accounting software.

In this blog, we will help you in adding transaction directly into your Quicken account.

  1. Launch the accounting software and click on the menu bar.
  2. In the menu options select the account button and then new and select the account type from saving, credit card, debit card and so on.  
  3. Next type the name of your company in the search box and select the result form the given option and continue.
  4. If you want to manually set your account, select the Options instead of typing company name and select the radio button and continue.
  5. After this follow the on-screen instruction to continue further,
  6. If a Window will pop-up enter your username and password and allow the application to link your bank account so that you can download the transaction without any hurdle.
  7. Now, review the list and verify your account type, you can rename it if you want to, otherwise leave it.
  8. And make sure the menu next to the account name says “Add”. You can further customize your account setup.
  9. After you have successfully added your account you will see a sidebar along with your current balance.
  10. Now, click on the name to check the transaction.

This will surely help you out if not, then contact to Quicken Support USA @ +1844-856-1333 and talk to our experts who will resolve every glitch from your device and help you in solving other issues pertain to this accounting software.

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